Tips for The Home Treatment of Psoriasis

If you suffer from psoriasis you know that it is no walk in the park. The sudden flare-ups of dry, flaky skin, the embarrassing rashes and red patches; it interferes with your social life and increases your levels of stress. Over the years there have been many medical treatments developed for psoriasis involving pills or injections, smearing on creams, or even getting some rays.

Medical treatments for psoriasis typically fall into three main categories; 1) topical treatments involving corticosteroids, tar products, or ointments derived from vitamin A or D; 2) systemic medications that slow down or block the immune system responses; or 3) phototherapy involving UVA or UVB ultraviolet light.

These are all effect to some degree, but they can be expensive, tedious, or even painful.

TREATMENT OF PSORIASIS - CubaHeal Medical Center

But there are home treatments you can do for yourself, adjustments in your lifestyle, your diet, and your home environment that have equal effect at eliminating or reducing flare-ups More often than not, they are all-natural cures and won’t harm you with harsh side-effects.

Not all results work for all people and it may take trying a few different remedies to find one that works for you. Listed below are 8 tips, or home remedies, that can ease living with psoriasis.

Tip 1: Keep Skin Moist One of the most effective methods to reduce, or control, flare-ups is also the simplest, moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. Using moisturizer is an important part of self-care for psoriasis. Dry skin makes irritation and itchiness caused by psoriasis worse than it needs to be. A vicious cycle can result: dry skin can cause itching and scratching, leading to new psoriasis patches developing on the irritated skin.